What can the program do?
Exterior Repairs: roof repairs, siding repairs, foundation repairs, landscaping that affects the livability of the home, driveways and fencing.
Who is eligible?
Household income must be at or under 80% of the area median income. Home must be current on property taxes, utilities, and mortgage.
What other policies apply?
Up to $40,000 in repairs may be done. The portion of assistance that is a grant or forgiveable loan varies. Applications open annually and may not be accepted throughout the year. Contact the program for details. A lein may be placed on the property depending on the amount of assistance provided.
Where are applications taken?
The application can be downloaded online and emailed ot ion@dmgov.org or dropped off or mailed to 602 Robert D. Ray Drive, Des Moines, IA 50309.

Provided by the City of Des Moines.
Use these buttons to browse through other Owner Occupied Home Repair Programs listed in our guide.
Individual program policies and guidelines are subject to change. Always contact an individual program directly for complete information about their rules.