At its December board meeting, the PCHTF board of directors approved funding allocations for our third funding program of the year, supporting owner occupied home repair programs that help Polk County homeowners maintain and repair their homes, often with a focus on improving health and safety or energy efficiency. In this round, $600,000 was available to allocate.
Programs approved for funding are:
City of Des Moines owner occupied repairs (Improving Our Neighborhoods) - $125,000
Greater Des Moines Habitat for Humanity - $100,000
Polk County Emergency Repair Program - $175,000
Polk County Weatherization Program - $150,000
Rebuilding Together Greater Des Moines - $50,000
The Trust Fund does not provide funds to individual homeowners. For homeowners seeking assistance with home repairs, the Trust Fund provides an informational guide at with information about these and other owner-occupied repair programs in the community. We will be releasing a new and improved version of that guide in the coming days.
Information about all PCHTF funding programs for community housing solutions can be found at